Efficient Patent Drafting with AI Power
developed by patent attorneys and for patent professionals.

Features/Benefits for Using Patent Drafting

Interactive Patent Applications
There is no best set of prompts for all patent applications. PatentMakers drafting allows you to draft your patent in your own style and according to your preferences.

Easy to Use
Drafting patent descriptions with just a few clicks.

Patent specification writing reduced from hours or days to minutes
AI Powered Patent Drafting
We are of the opinion, that the patent claims should be worked out by patent attorneys, no matter how time-consuming it is, as this is the most essential part of about the invention. However, our AI-powered patent drafting function greatly reduces the time needed for generating the description of a patent application.
It provides all sections that are required by the patent conventions, and explains the advantages of the technical features together with precise and detailed description of the drawings. All you need:
Claim set
Invention disclosure, figures (optional)
Start PatentMaker AI drafting interface
Revise interactively
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Standard Mapping

Patent Drafting