PatentMaker: Discover and Learn at Your Own Pace
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Protected: Use PatentMaker to prosecute and draft patents
Learn the Basics
We have various videos prepared for our users. Please feel free to contact us to get videos demonstrating key functions of PatentMaker. Thank you!
How to set up PatentMaker?
To set up PatentMaker, you need a valid license as well as our installer. Please refer to our installation guide in the User Guide. For this demo video, please contact us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the extra work. We are currently reviewing how we can better provide video support to our users in good faith while minimizing the disclosure of our information online due to the increasing peeking and copying of our innovative features by competitors. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need support or have questions about PatentMaker.
How to update PatentMaker?
PatentMaker can be easily updated in the Configuration section of the PatentMaker Windows client. For a demo video, please contact us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the extra work. We are currently reviewing how we can better provide video support to our users in good faith while minimizing the disclosure of our information online due to the increasing peeking and copying of our innovative features by competitors. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need support or have questions about PatentMaker.
Tell Us What You Think About PatentMaker
PatentMaker streamlines patent management with automated document generation, real-time updates, and seamless integration, enhancing efficiency for legal professionals.
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